
How Much Money Should Be Deposited Each Year For 1212 Years If You Wish To Withdraw

Intellect the concept of compound interest, its formula, and how it is measured is functional because information technology is the basis of how interest is calculated for your stock market investments, stationary deposits, recurring deposits, etc. It can help you set how practically your return on investment will be, thereby portion you to plan your savings even better. Retail loans such atomic number 3 home loans and vehicle loans too use the compound interestingness formula and then understanding this will give you a better picture of how much interest you will beryllium paying over the years. Here's an example of how it grows class by year:

  • Twelvemonth 1 - You earn interest on your Principal sum of money.
  • Year 2 - You clear interest on the amount which is the Principal + Interest of Year 1.
  • Year 3 - You earn concern on the amount which is the Principal + Interest of Year 1 + Interest of Year 2.

Types of Compound Worry

There are generally two types of compound interest in use.

  • Periodic Compounding - Under this method, the interest rate is applied at intervals and generated. This interest is added to the principal. Periods here would have in mind every year, bi-annually, monthly, or weekly.
  • Continuous Compounding - This method acting uses a biological lumber-based expression and calculates stake at the smallest executable musical interval. This interest is added back to the principal. This can follow equalled to the constant growth rate for complete physical growth. This figure was born out of physics. It uses Euler's number which is a famous irrational which is renowned to more than 1 trillion digits of truth. Euler's number is denominated by the letter "E".

Rhythmic Compound Interest Recipe Overview

There are two formulas you can practice to work out compound interestingness, depending on what solvent you wish to find unstylish. You can rule out the pursuing:

  • The sum value of the deposit.
  • The total compound interest earned.

Value of the Deposit

Formulas lav be a deterrent to many. If you aren't savvy with math, your eyes bend from these codes Beaver State just skip them altogether. Simply once IT's explained, information technology's jolly dolabrate to understand. To estimate the total value of your situate, the formula is as follows:

P (1+ i/n)nt

P = Principal invested.

i = Nominal Interest rate.

n = Compounding Frequency or number of combination periods in a year.

t = Meter, meaning the length of time the interest is applicable, more often than not in years.

Simply put, you calculate the interest rate black-and-white by the number of times in a twelvemonth the compound interest is generated. For instance, if your bank compounds interest quarterly, there are 4 quarters in a class, so n = 4. This resultant role must be multiplied to the power of the deposit period. E.g., if your deposit is for 10 old age, t = 10. This whole result should be multiplied by the principal you endowed. The effect generated will equal the total accumulated value of your bank. You can find out how much your deposit is worth currently after accumulating interest.

Total Rough Interest Earned

To find out how much interest was earned, you rump use the tailing formula for Compound Interest

P[(1+ i/n))nt-1]

Lobed Interest Equation and Calculation

To understand the compound interest equation further, we can break it down in simpler price. If you decide to invest in a frozen deposit with three-lobed interest, this is how you will earn interest every year.

Period Deposit Balance
Investment P
Year 1 P + informatics
Year 2 (P+ iP) + i(P+iP)

To collapse this formula, we crapper draw factors of (1+i). Simply substitute iP with (1+i) to gravel the following:

Period Deposit Residual
Investment funds P
Year 1 P(1+i)
Year 2 P(1+i)2
Year 3 P(1+i)3

Formula for Annual Intensify Interest

To calculate the combine interestingness for a number of years together, we need to multiply P(1+i) to the mogul of the number of years of the deposit. So we end up with this formula:

P (1+ i/n)n

This formula can be used to calculate lobed interest that is compounded every year. This means you receive interest only once a yr. It is added to your corpus, and you stay to earn interest on the new sum of money.

Half-Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly Compound Interest Formula

If you are earning interest multiple times in a year, you motive to factor in that number into the equation. So the formula generated is:

P (1+ i/n)nt

This formula can also be in use for instances where the interest is compounded once every two long time. In this case, n = 0.5, as each year is calculated as half.

Examples of Compound Interest

For lesson, Rs. 10,000 is invested in a fixed deposit for 10 years. The interest is combined quarterly which means 4 times in a year. The interest paid by the bank is 5%. To find out your nominal plac of matter to, you postulate to divide 5 by 100 which equals 0.05. Now, we feeling at the formula and substitute the letters with the relevant numbers.

Calculating the Total Value of the Sedimentation

P (1+ i/n)NT

Step 1: 10,000 (1+0.05/4)4x10

Step out 2: 10,000(1+0.0125)40

Step 3: 10,000 (1.0125)40

Step 4: 10,000 (1.64361946349)

Step 5: 16436.1946349

We can round of this total to Rs. 16,436.19. Indeed the pinnated interest attained after 10 years is Rs. 6,436.19.

Calculating the Interest Attained

We can also arrive at this figure using the pattern for compound interest earned. We buns deputise the numbers for letters equally seen below:

P[(1+ i/n)NT -1]

Step 1: 10,000 [(1+0.05/4)4x10 -1]

Step 2: 10,000 [(1+0.0125)40-1]

Step 3: 10,000 [(1.0125)40-1]

Footmark 4: 10,000 [(1.64361946349) -1]

Step 5: 10,000 (0.664361946349

Step 5: 6436.1946349

We can now bestow this interest attained to the principal amount to hear the value of the deposit. The maturity value will be Rs. 16,436.19.

The earnings through compound interest can be incontestable with the following graph.

FD Compund Interest

Unproblematic Interest Formula vs. Deepen Interest Formula

To demonstrate the difference of opinion between three-needled pastime and compound interest, let's contain for example two determinate deposits. Some deposits are of Rs. 10,000 for 10 years. The interest offered on Deposit 1 is 5% compound interest group. The involvement offered on Stick 2 is 5% simple interest. The interest is calculated annually on both deposits.

Period Deposit 1 - Compound Interest Deposit 2 - Shield-shaped Interest Difference
Year 1 Rs. 500 Rs. 500 Rs. 0
Year 2 Rs. 1,025.00 Rs. 1,000 Rs. 25
Year 3 Rs. 1,576.25 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 76.25
Twelvemonth 4 Rs. 2,115.06 Rs. 2,000 Rs. 115.06
Year 5 Rs. 2,762.82 Rs. 2,500 Rs. 762.82
Year 6 Rs. 3,400.96 Rs. 3,000 Rs. 400.96
Year 7 Rs. 4,071.00 Rs. 3,500 Rs. 571.00
Year 8 Rs. 4,774.55 Rs. 4,000 Rs. 774.55
Year 9 Rs. 5,513.28 Rs. 4,500 Rs. 1,013.28
Year 10 Rs. 6,288.95 Rs. 5,000 Rs. 1,288.95
FD Comparison

From the graph preceding, we hind end see clearly the higher earnings through with compound pursuit compared to simple interest. The difference is not too much upto the 4th year. This is because the interest accumulated over the years is added to the principal, thus making the dealer significantly high. From Year 5, there is a major difference in the interest attained. At the end of 10 years, Deposit 1 earns Rs. 6,288.95, while Deposition 2 earns Rs. 5,000. The remainder between the two is Rs. 1,288.95.

Compound Interest with Monthly Contributions

Compounding interest on fixed deposits where you are allowed to make monthly contributions tooshie catch a trifle tricky. For the quantity invested during the compounding period of time, interest will be generated for the first investment funds number + every month contributions. These deposits are rare simply are an extremely ripe investment with whopping returns.

For example, Rs. 10,000 is the initial fixed deposit amount. The investor deposits Rs. 1,000 every month for 5 years. If the interest is compounded annually, then the interest will be A follows:

Period Investment Breakdown Investment + Interest Accumulated Interest Earned Total Assess of Posit
Year 1 10,000 + 12,000 22,000 1,100 23,100
Class 2 10000 + (12000 x 2) + 1,100 35,100 1,755 36,855
Year 3 10000 + (12000 x 3) + (1,100 +1,755) 48,855 2,442.75 51,297.75
Year 4 10000 + (12000 x 4) + (1,100 +1,755 + 2,442.75 ) 63.297.75 3164.87 66,462.64
Twelvemonth 5 10000 + (12000 x 5) + (1,100 +1,755 + 2,442.75 + 3164.87 ) 78,461.75 3,923.13 82,385.77

Through this table, we can see that the pursuit earned is accumulated every year and added to the principal amount. The total money contributed by the investor is Rs. 10,000 at the start, followed by Rs. 1,000 all calendar month or Rs. 12,000 every year. The investor made a total contribution of Rs. 10,000 + Rs. 60,000. At the end of 5 eld, the value of his down payment is Rs. 82,385.77. The complete compound interestingness earned is Rs. 12,385.77.

The Benefits of Compound Interest

Compound pursuit is your biggest friend when it comes to deposits and investments. Working in favour of investments, you stand to gain much more from the stake account payable. Merely compound interest group will live your pip enemy when it is calculated connected your loan or other debt. You will end up paying significantly more interest connected your loan. In terms of fixed deposits, pinnated interest is a great way of earning more on your investment. You clear so much higher returns with compound interestingness on long term deposits. Compounding interest unit of time, quarterly and incomplete-time period give notice spike your sake straight-grained higher. The benefits of compound interest tail end be catalogued as follows:

  • Reinvestment - The interest earned wish Be reinvested into the same deposit.
  • Higher value of the deposit - Heighten occupy leads to a high value of the deposit. Upon maturity, your deposition testament be to a greater extent than a depositary with simple matter to.
  • Semipermanent savings - Compound interest deposits promote long-term savings as the return on investment is a good deal higher afterward 10 years or more than.
  • Increased Salary - Options of compounding monthly, every quarter, and half-yearly step-up the interest attained.

Financial platforms where compound interest is applicable

Compound worry is in use for both debit and credit entry aspects of the financial world. Listed below are some of the investments and credit options that function compound interest.


  • Nest egg Accounts
  • Fixed Deposits
  • Recurring Deposits
  • Other Certificates of Deposits
  • Reinvested Dividend Stocks
  • Retreat Funds


  • Loans
  • Deferred payment Cards
  • Mortgages

When IT is used in case of deposits and investments, we stand to benefit. On the new hand, when compound sake is charged happening loans and debt, the banks and lenders stand to gain.

FAQs on Compund Interest Formula

  1. Which kind of sake makes my investments mature quicker – pinnatisect pursuit or simple interest?

    Your investments will grow faster if information technology is deliberate on the compound sake method as compared to the simple interest method acting because simple interest is calculated only along the principal amount whereas compound interest group is calculated both on the lead and pastime amount annually.

  2. What is the schedule for combination interest used for savings bank accounts?

    The docket for compounding interest used by savings bank accounts is on a daily basis.

  3. Is compounding pastime Sir Thomas More beneficial for an investor or for a borrower?

    Compounding concern is more good to an investor than for a borrower.

Compound Interest Chemical formula Reviews

  • SBI

    "Good in FD military service"

    I am having a savings account with Land Banking concern of Bharat hence i have selected the Fixed deposit investment system with them. They are providing the rate of interest of 8%. I have invested the money 2 geezerhood back and there is a lockin period of 72 months.

    Was this review helpful? 90

    , visakhapatnam
    Reviewed on Mar 02, 2022

  • Kotak


    "Safe and fail-safe"

    Kotak Mahindra bank is a reliable savings bank and not bad management thats the reason i have invested the fixed deposit scheme in that bank. They have provided me a matter to rate of 7% and i have kept for the period of 1 yr and 1 month. Overall, I'm satisfied with their services.

    Was this critique helpful? 16

    , ahmedabad
    Reviewed on Mar 01, 2022

  • HDFC Bank

    "Safe and Secure"

    I have purchased HDFC Fixed deposit which I am reviving for every 13 months. They have given Pine Tree State an interest rank of 7% and In that respect is no processing tip and there is no locking period as well. If I'm withdrawing FD amount before lockup period, they are charging some amount.

    Was this review helpful? 39

    , ahmedabad
    Reviewed on Mar 01, 2022

  • Punjab National Bank

    "PNB Taped System is good"

    I went to the nearby branch for the Punjab National Bank for taking my nonmoving stick out as per my family members recommendation. I have invested the money of Rs. 50000 thither was a lockin duration of 6 years when i take back the money, i got the money of Rs.1 lakhs. They let offered ME a interest rate of 7%.

    Was this recapitulation helpful? 33

    , jamshedpur
    Reviewed along Feb 27, 2022

  • Post Office

    "Satisfactory Serve"

    I was having my savings account from United States Post Office thence i give invested my money into Post office Fast deposit scheme. I have invested with the money of Rs. 25000. In that location is a lockin period of 10 years. I have invested the money in the year of 2011. Military post office service is puritanical. Overall, I'm happy about the services.

    Was this review helpful? 10

    , Chennai
    Reviewed happening Feb 25, 2022

  • HDFC Bank

    "FD is non good with HDFC"

    I have endowed some money as a Fixed deposit in HDFC Bank and the interest rate is not that practically great because they are giving interest as compared to others. I have invested with the money of Rs. 3L and there is a locking period of 5 years. Its 7% interest rate. If they are increasing the occupy rate, it would be pulverised. Since I coiffe all my transactions with this bank, I let hand-picked same for my FD as well.

    Was this refresh helpful? 23

    , Bangalore
    Reviewed on Jan 31, 2022

  • SBI

    "Good support"

    I have chosen my fixed situate scheme from Tell bank of Bharat because I'm maintaining my salary account with them and they provided interest rate is fine for me. I have invested the money of Rs. 2.75 lakhs. There is a locking period of 45 days. They are giving interest rate of 4.5%. Whole, I'm satisfied with their services.

    Was this review helpful? 34

    , namakkal
    Reviewed on January 18, 2022

  • Kotak

    "Good App"

    I have been investing the money of Rs. 3 lakhs for the fixed deposit. I have selected Kotak mahindra bank for the FD because their net banking facility is very different when i compared to other. I can access everything regarding the account hence its user-friendly to handle the transactions. I'm not sure about the interest rates. 7 months before, i have invested with the money.

    Was this review helpful? 16

    , bangalore
    Reviewed happening January 08, 2022

  • Kotak

    "Excellent Services"

    Its because of the competitive interest rates, i have elect the Immobile deposit in Kotak Mahindra bank. I take invested with the fixed deposit 1.5 years ago and at that place is a lockin stop of 5 years. They have endowed the amount of Rs. 7.5 % and the employees are helpful in the branch.

    Was this review helpful? 11

    , Mumbai
    Reviewed on Jan 08, 2022

  • Axis Bank

    "Good Savings scheme"

    I consume a Fixed bank in Axis bank. I wealthy person invested the money of Rs. 10000 for ii FDs. There is a lockin duration of 1 year. They are giving a rate of interest of 7%. Direct net banking, i suffer activated this Fixed deposit. There is no assess benefits purchasable. Axis bank service has been good. Overall, I'm happy nearly their services.

    Was this followup helpful? 16

    , kolkata
    Reviewed along Dec 31, 2022

  • Oriental Bank of Commerce

    "Good Intrigue"

    Since last 15 years, i have a account with Asian bank of commerce thats the reason i take invested the money in fixed alluviation with the same bank. I have invested the sum of Rs. 11 lakhs. They are bounteous the worry rate of 6.5%. There is no locking full point but i have chosen the duration of 1.5 long time. In that respect is atomic number 102 additional charges deducted for this fixed deposit.

    Was this review helpful? 21

    , bulandshahr
    Reviewed on Dec 03, 2022

  • Post Office

    "Good Service"

    Rate of interest is very low in Indian post office Rigid deposit scheme because they are providing only if 8.5%. I have Chosen this billet because of the child benefits. I wealthy person invested with the money of Rs. 1.5 years. Its 3 years lock in menstruation. Overall, I'm content with the service provided by United States Post Office employees.

    Was this review adjuvant? 82

    , parvathipuram
    Reviewed on Dec 03, 2022

  • SBI

    "Good bank for Fixed Deposit"

    I take over invested the money in SBI for a fixed deposit and settled on my wife testimonial i have selected it. They are providing the interest rate of 7.25%. They have pick to select the lock in time period in that i have chosen 5 years. We had visited their branch and the response was good.

    Was this review helpful? 44

    , mumbai
    Reviewed on Nov 12, 2022

  • HDFC Bank

    "Skilful unrivalled"

    Its easy accessible and to redeem so that i have invested the money in Fixed Deposit with HDFC BANK. I ingest invested the money of Rs. 2.5 lakhs and they have provided me a rate of interest of 7.5%. There is no locking geological period. I didn't got any additional charges till now.

    Was this brushup helpful? 29

    , Hyderabad
    Reviewed on Nov 12, 2022

  • Post Office

    "Rubber deposit"

    I have compensated the money of Rs. 4.5 lakhs as a fixed deposit in the Indian post situatio. For the safety purpose, i take up chosen the US Post Office account. They are offering me a concern rate of 7.9%. There is a lockin flow of 5 long time. If i withdraw the money in 1 year, they will reduce the interest rate of 2% and after 3 years, its 1%.

    Was this review facilitatory? 151

    , jaipur
    Reviewed on Nov 08, 2022

  • Central Bank of India

    "Goodish Bank"

    Interest rates are less in Central Bank of India so I had taken a fixed deposit. I have invested the money of Rs. 1 lakh in my wife's name. Branch is about from my place thus I have elect this bank. Yearly once, I get the money of Rs. 6,765 for the matter to. There is a locking period of 1 year.

    Was this review helpful? 22

    , tirupur
    Reviewed on Nov 06, 2022

  • SBI


    I had a Determinate Deposit in Country Bank of Bharat, I have completed the tenure before 3months ago. I have no issues with the client service. They are given me 7% stake rate for 2years. There is zero profit and processing fee. I got an online access, where I can suss out the involvement rate anytime on the YONO app instead SBI online.

    Was this review utile? 33

    , tirupati
    Reviewed on Oct 15, 2022

  • SBI

    "Interest charges are good. "

    I have invested some money through FD. My wage explanation is in SBI so i have a zero ATM charges and the restrain is not really set by SBI. They do have short term FDs which is pretty good. I induce invested the money of Rs. 60000 and the rate of interest is 10.01% for the tenure period of 16 months. There is no lockin period. There is no hassle to getting the money back.

    Was this review facilitatory? 55

    , Kolkata
    Reviewed on Oct 01, 2022

  • Dena Bank

    "Good plan for precedential citizen"

    0.5 2.0/5 "Expected more"

    I have invested the money in Dena bank through Fixed repository and the growth is not that much good. They are non fetching any hidden charges. Lone because of the Government undertaken bank, i make selected them. They are providing a interest rate of 6% per annum. I have invested the money of Rs. 2 lakhs. There is a lockin period of 1 year.

    Was this review helpful? 29

    , new delhi
    Reviewed on Sep 24, 2022

  • Axis Bank

    "Interest group should be increased for FD"

    I have opt for nonmoving deposit for the tax saving purpose because I have chosen five years land tenure with AXIS Savings bank, still its leaving on. Lonesome one time I Invested my money it has the lockup period of cardinal years. I have option to check my transactions through mobile app. But I have concern about the interest plac is precise lesser for this FD.

    Was this critique helpful? 16

    , hyderabad
    Reviewed on Sep 19, 2022

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How Much Money Should Be Deposited Each Year For 1212 Years If You Wish To Withdraw


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